So I have been thinking today about my posts of late. My letter writing campaign to the local paper, to President Obama, to my Congressmen and Senators.
Watching Frontline programs on PBS, YouTubes from, going to the rally that was held here in the upper Midwest with our two daughters when President Obama came to Minneapolis, MN and spoke. There were close to 17,000 people in attendance.
As we walked the snaking line through Minneapolis, up and around corners, this crowd, this throng of people shared their feelings and stories with one another through handouts. People told their stories or those of a family member printed on pieces of paper and then we would read it and pass it to the next person near to us so that they could read it.
Each of us had our reason for being in that long line, for going through a metal detector,for standing and waiting to be seated. By and large the crowd was deeply supportive of the President. There were only a few boos, mostly it was shouts of 'Yes, Yes We Can', and 'We are on Fire'.
My reasons include being in health and wellness for many years, another is my sister and her health challenges and how she is treated by the system.
I've posted and done my own version of ranting for a time now and I will continue to speak out about this.
However even as I do that I am going to begin walking what I feel is an equally important track. Less ranting and more real movement towards making changes. I am going to begin profiling those that ARE delivering wellness and health care in new and not so new creative ways.
I've said before that I feel that what President Obama and those on his team are doing is very important. So are the Frontline and Moveon stories.
Yet focusing on what does not work places a huge amount of energy in a system in profound need of overhaul. The overhaul could take years!
Which leads me to the topic of this post. Grassroots. Let us keep supporting the good works that President Obama is doing. And at the same time lets start profiling the people and business that are finding new and creative ways to have a well America.
It starts with us. I can count examples in our own community. A new day center for the homeless that is opening up soon, with a full-time night shelter to follow next.
That was a grassroots effort and it is happening.
I am going to turn this blog into a place where I can profile good news! A place where we can celebrate the good things that are happening in our community and our world. Our own movements towards a sustainable community. A sustainable world.
It only takes one person to start things off. Who are you to think that that person might not be you?
Remember I spoke a few weeks back about a Swiss man, Henry Dunant who was a key player in founding The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. What we know in the United States as The American Red Cross.
He was one person. You are one person. I am one person. Together we are three.
Do you remember the movie 'Pay It Forward' ? The book by Catherine Ryan Hyde came first. The movie later. Click Here to view the trailer. It's slightly grainy but well worth the watch.
It starts with three. That three could be three stories, or three people that any one of us helps. It could be three phone calls. Three cans of soup. Three volunteer hours at a resale shop or three hours helping at a free clinic. It could be lowering your rates for every three out of ten people that you offer goods or services too. And each of those three then pays it forward to three more.
The chances that one of the three that you help not paying it forward is there, yes. And there is also the chance that all three will pay it forward. Or that the two who do pay it forward do touch three more people, who touch three more and so on.
The movement can propel itself. Just as we did when we rallied and Barack Obama became our President.
Just as Gandhi did when he said be the change. As Rosa Parks and others did when they choose to sit. They and so many others became beacons for a moment, for many movements that have changed our world.
You and I, we can change our world. 1 at a time. 3 at a time and so on.
What can you do today?
Do it and then write to me and tell me about it and I'll tell your story on my blog. Tell me what you did.Tell me how you helped. Tell me a story about a loved one that benefited from these gifts of the heart.
Maybe you benefited. Tell me that story so that I can tell it here. Your story will inspire others to act.
It does not take any special talent to pay it forward. Everyone can do this. Let me say that again. EVERYONE can do this.
It's not about giant acts of heroism like we see on TV. It's the everyday heroism that makes the difference. Reading a book to someone who can not see. Holding a door for someone. Teaching someone to read. Giving a basket of produce from your garden. Donating a quarter to the kettle at the holidays. Knitting a pair of gloves or a scarf and donating them to a shelter. Giving a senior a ride to the store. Volunteering at hospice. And get your kids involved. They will learn so much in this process. They will learn compassion, loving kindness, gratitude, service, and some day, they may find themselves the recipient of that same gift. I am a firm believer of the old adage that love, compassion, giving, service is a circle and you or someone you love will likewise be blessed.
Paying it forward is not about how it comes back full circle though. That is just the way a loving Universe works. Giving is the real gift. Because when you give, unconditionally from your heart, you not only bless another person, the energy that you give reaches out and touches so many more.
That person, and that persons family, children, friends, and community are also blessed. Like a ripple in a pond.
Then there is the scientific side of this, if it matters to you. HeartMath ® has shown that when a person experiences feelings of appreciation, love, and gratitude the immune system of both the giver and the receiver benefit. They are doing studies to show that our Planet Earth also benefits.
The other really important piece here is the story. When you reach out and help someone. Three someones even, you have the potential to change their story. Let me explain.
Suppose I had a story that no one cared about me. That life was a struggle. That I grew up in a poor family and that we lived with the help of food stamps. That the holidays many years came via the good graces of God and The Salvation Army. That I was a teenage bride and mother.
What do you suppose might be the outcome of a story like that? Would it be that life would be a struggle for me and for my children. That my children would be teen parents.That I would be poor. Would I re-tell my story and experiences and make them what was my truth?
Could be. But guess what, that is not the case. The story above is true. I was a teen mother and bride. There were some challenging times in the beginning as a young mom. I did experience both homelessness and welfare for a brief time in my life. What made the difference for me were two things.
One was my determination to move beyond my experiences. The other was a few people in my life that became my friends and helped me to see that I was a strong, intelligent, caring and compassionate person. A great mother, wife, friend, and teacher. They helped me to see that I had something to offer the world. They helped me to believe in myself as much as they believed in me. They helped me to discover my heart and what was and is truer about me.
I went on to get my GED and then to college. I've been in health and wellness for almost thirty years now. We have three wonderful children and I have a loving husband. Our home is a place of nurture and likewise our community.
My work as a writer, wellness coach and healer inspires me and fills my heart with joy and gratitude. I feel gifted to be helping others to find their own wisdom and callings.
There were at least three people in my life who did this for me as an adult, and at least as many as a child, even as my home life was chaotic. These caring and compassionate people gave me a vision for something more, much more. I've payed it forward many times since and will continue to do so.
We may not be able to repair a broken leg at our grassroots level, unless you are a doctor and you take action with three people, but what we can do is help three people who will then help three more.
We can help with the simplest of needs. The most basic things that can make such a big difference.
We can help people to realize some of Maslow's
1.) most basic needs.
We can teach a class. Teach someone about wellness and fitness. Teach them tools to care for themselves better. A system of caring that becomes about wellness. Well care. Well being.Compassion. Loving Kindness.
It's time to switch our focus to what works instead of what seems broken. You and I are not broken. An old bureaucratic system is broken. Us, we are good. We can do what Washington seems to be stuck on.
We can do what they may not be able to do even if they pass the bill. It may pass and that will be great.
We may have a single payer system. Fantastic!
That means we will be cared for when we are sick or are injured.
The wellness model though,the idea that if we switch from treating dis-ease or conditions to preventative care or well care, they may not be able to address this right away. That piece of the puzzle may start with us. Becoming our own advocates. Taking classes that teach us how to be well.
Consider teaching If you can teach. If you want to learn, take a class. Bring your neighbors with you. Make new friends and bring them with you. Form a community of wellness, of caring and compassion. A community of education. Be the change we want to see.
So what have you done today? Who have you helped? Who did you empower? Who did you help to experience a new story? See a new possibility? Who has helped you?
Are you working in this way? Do you offer services or a product in a way that pays it forward? Do you barter, trade, or offer sliding fee rates? Do you know others who do?
I'll create a page to list your product or service along with
contact information and a brief note about what you do. If you have a
website I'll link to that too.
Talk to me. Invite others to talk to me. Tell me your stories. Tell the world your stories. I'd like to see this post go global. Viral as they say in marketing where everyone in the world has a chance to hear this message. I'll post your stories here with your permission. Send me a note at [email protected]
You can also comment on the posts on this blog and share in that way.
I will ask the following of you as you share your story or post to the blog.
Follow the five W's of writing.
Who, What, Where, When, and How. Summarize your story in the first paragraph so that people can get the main idea you are sharing and that will help them to move on to read the rest if it speaks to them.
Please do not share what is not yours to share. If the material you want to share is copyrighted please get permission before sharing. If the story that you desire to share is not yours, please don't tell it. Instead invite the author or the person who experienced the event, gift, or moment to tell it. If you are helping them to tell it be clear and make sure they understand it will be published on this blog.
Privacy is very important as is copyright and I respect both very highly and will not print something that I knowingly understand is not your story to tell.
Foul language, slurs, hateful or disrespectful tone will also not be accepted here and those posts will be deleted. Letters sent to me with this kind of content will be deleted.
This blog is a place to inspire and support solution's. A place to focus on what is good and create more of it.
Thank you for understanding that.
Take action. Three small steps. One helps three who help three. Not counting you that is twelve. Do the math . . . see how fast it grows . . .
1.) Maslows Hierarchy of needs Pyramid was provided through GNU Freedom Documentation License and created by J. Finkelstein
Please Note, the information and services provided by or through
WyseWomen LLC, WyseWomen Wellness ©,, WyseWomen the
Blog, Magdalene Abbey, and Nellie P. Moore are not to be used to treat
or diagnose any condition, disease, client, patient, or individual. The
ideas, information and services provided are not intended to be a
substitute for consult or treatment with a qualified physician,
therapist, or other qualified helping professional.
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