Neutral ®
As long as I have been a HeartMath ®
The other day I was exploring my beliefs and looking at them, some I did not even realize that I had. What lead me to it was a conversation that I had had with my husband and daughter and how I had found myself snapping at them. I looked at that and saw it as an automatic response based on a belief that had nothing at all to do with present time.
Over the course of the next couple of days (and I am still exploring this) I began to explore my automatic responses and beliefs. Expectations of how I felt people 'should' be. Expectations are one of those areas that I coach with clients all the time and I use the tools with myself all the time. Yet here I was looking at myself in the light of neutral and of expectations from a very deep space.
What I have realized for myself is that many of my expectations have been hidden underneath beliefs and both of those things on an underlying belief level. I make a distinction between Core Beliefs ®
He brought up the idea that Core Beliefs can seem more solid, like cement, where as Underlying Beliefs are something that can be more pliable to change. Something to consider and I have been. So now I am being very aware in my thoughts and my reactions to people, places, things, memories. Proactive rather than reactive. That old saying about not putting your foot in your mouth.
I'm realizing that for me the best thing I can do is to give myself time and really process before I respond to something. On the one hand it might seem like a lot of energy and effort to do that. What I am realizing however is that it is simply about being in the NOW. If I am in the NOW, to the best of my ability, I am in neutral, not processing something past or future, and expectations which to me are based on one of those two things, don't happen. So now I am doing my best to be in the NOW (Eckhart Tolle - The Power Of Now), knowing I am Spirit in human form, taking it one day at a time. It's really eye opening and inspiring to be aware of myself from such a centered place when I am able to do it. It's a tool I have been using with my clients but never at this level. From here forward with my new awareness, that changes.
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