On Friday I posted about wisdom based on a conversation I had with a friend. She sparked within me this deep response to her feedback about my wisdom. As is often the case, and more so each day, I opened to the flow of my writing and channeling my hearts wisdom. The words, my knowing just flowed. When I finished with the note I felt like it was important to share part of my response with her here.
I have journals filled with these kinds of what I guess I would call gifts of the Spirit to me. I've also got e-mail outboxes full of these kinds of posts where my writing/Spirit flows through me. Some might call it my higher wisdom or guides. I just know that the words and energy flow and wisdom, the teachings are there for me.
Friday was the first time that I decided to place out in the world what I receive. It's time for me to do this. It's another part of me being my authentic self.
I feel like I need to make it clear that what I share here, the things that flow through my writing and my work are through my frame of reference and my experiences. They are a result of my own spiritual journey. If what I write and share in some way speaks to you personally and gives you joy, or an aha moment, I am honored and heartfully grateful. My motto is consider using or exploring what works and speaks to your heart. What resonates with you and gives you what I call truth bumps. Leave the rest that does not speak to you. You are always your own best guide to what is true. I offer my own perspective and you ultimately choose your truth, your path.
I sense for me that it is this amazing dance that I do with my conscious self, my unconscious self and my higher self, some might call it my over soul that helps me to connect to my/this wisdom or intuitive knowing. I also feel that we can all do it. I also feel my life experiences have helped me to fine tune my sensitivities and it makes for a wonderful gift to be able to share with my clients and students.
When I say we can all do it I mean that we all have this inner sense of things. It may come out in different ways for different people but I really feel it is there. It may be expressed through someone who is an artist on her canvas. By someone who is a singer through the range and tone of her voice. By a healer or someone in the helping professions by her ability to hold compassionate, loving heart space for the person she is supporting or caring for.
My sense is that it is an innate (natural) ability that we all have. How it shows up differs. Things like life experience, and our personal stories or the personal stories of our family may shape and color our perceptions of our gifts. We may be aware of the gifts as young children and then they fade to the background as we start to grow up, and then perhaps find the gifts coming to the surface again as we have moved through the active growing up years of our children and we find we again have a little more me time in the midst of ferrying or kids to high school sports events.
Or maybe the gifts were always with us and we knew how to use them and channeled them in our work.
We may have been aware of the gifts but did not see them as gifts and thought about ourselves that we were odd, or out of place in the world for being 'so sensitive' and so we might have tryed to place our round knowing in a square hole knowing that the square corners hurt or did not feel right but it seemed like this was how it had to be because that was the way most people seemed to be and and we wanted to fit in.
Then one day we realize, for whatever reason and in whatever way, that our sensitivities are in fact gifts.
We realize that the stories we grew up with might be true as they related to our parents or grandparents, but they were not the whole story. Those stories came through their life experience filters and frames of reference and we get to have our own frame of reference for what is true. By choosing to have our own frames we do no dis-honor to our parents or those we love and care about. We are simply realizing that while the story may have somewhat shaped the containers of our homes, it is not who we are as a whole. Each generation has the opportunity to re-frame the story. Honor the experiences of our ancestors and what they lived, but also to know that we can learn from their stories, and yet not claim them as our own personal story that determines our own life path.
Sometimes we are not even aware of the family stories but we can feel something. As I said in my last post, I'm not sure that you can ever really know your parents. They are containers of their life experiences just as we get to be for our own experiences. You can question what you are feeling with your heart and ask, what is this I am feeling? Is it mine or someone else's and see what comes to you.
Note also that stories may also relate to abundance in our lives. Anyone with family connections in the US is likely to have as part of the family story the challenges of the Depression and the sense of lack, poverty that may have been present. I know it was part of my families history. Poverty, lack, deservedness. Something to consider as you look at your own stories. If you are carrying lack as part of your story, do you want to change it? Become aware of the stories and consider what is true for you. write a new chapter.
You can also start asking questions of family members to learn more about your heritage. What were the stories i.e. life experiences that your parents had. You aunts and uncles and cousins? They can be treasure troves of information for you. You might think of it like a genealogy project where you are creating a family tree out of family stories. Whose stories are they? Who told them first. Where was the seed event for the story. The seed being when the story started. The original event. Did it repeat in the family? Did other relatives carry the story forward? How many people in the family lived a version of the seed event and kept it going. Was the story life affirming or did it deplete how they felt in their daily lives. How do the stories feel in your life?
Besides your immediate family there may be friends and neighbors who knew your family. People with pictures or stories of the daily life they knew about. Stories that may shed more light for you and give you a bigger picture of who your family was. Keep in mind that those people will also have their own frames of reference and perspective.
Other resources include old newspapers, local historians and the historical society in your town or the town you grew up in. Your family may even have books written about some parts of your family tree as part of mine does. The Merrill family tree, my grandmother on my fathers side has volumes in the Newburyport, Massachusetts library.
Sometimes we can carry these stories for generations. Story is how we communicate. How we heal, pass wisdom forward. We have gathered around some representation of a circle since time began. A circle of stones, a fire pit, the camp fire, the dinner or breakfast table, a quilting circle.
Stories pass from one generation to another and keep the family experiences together. Pass on wisdom, pain, joy, triumph. It's our gift to be able to hear the stories and learn from them, share them as we feel it is right, and in the process, notice what is true or truer about them in our own lives.
Consider as an example a story that no one in the family ever went to college. "We're blue collar workers and that is just how it is so get used to it."
There is nothing wrong with being a blue collar worker. Our country works because of these dedicated women and men. My dad was a blue collar worker in a rubber plant. He was a Private First Class in the Korean War. None the less he contributed some amazing things to his community in how he cared for his fellow Veterans. In my experience class or station in life has nothing to do with what we are capable of and who we are in our hearts.
So you can look at being someone who works at a job that is blue collar as less than, or you can see it as being a part of the backbone, the foundation of this country that would not work without you/us. It's all about how you frame the story. Does the work bring you joy? Does it add to your energy and fulfill you? If not then consider how it can. Invite in the joy. Your Joy.
The same is true for the statement/story that no one in our family has gone to college. Has the story been repeated so many times that it has become a belief? Life breathed into it as the only truth and so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy?
The above are just examples. Not meant to pick out or point out any particular person. You can substitute any experience or story and find limitation and depletion or joy and fulfillment. It's perspective, frame of reference and personal story that we make our own that can really shape our lives. With self awareness we can honor these stories and choose to add to them. To be what is next in the evolution of the story.
It is possible to look at the stories, notice what may be true for others, and that a new story can emerge. You can be the first person to go to college. The first person to own your particular gift and live your joy, your passion. That's one of the neat things about a story. It's in the eye of the beholder and is always being spun. We learn something new, have a new experience or seed event and the story grows and changes.
It's good to know the stories because it helps you to know what shaped the family and you and your place in it, how it may have shaped you or your beliefs of what is true or possible.
It's possible to identify as being the victim or as someone who has come through a challenging time and look for the hidden blessings in the experience. My frame of reference and the story I tell myself and others has a lot to do with what my life experience has looked like and how I choose for it to look going forward. My awareness of my story and my families stories helps me to choose what is true for me and go on from there. Do I live as the victim or see the blessings in the experience. Where is my place in the story?
For my sister and I, the beautiful one at the top of this page wearing sunglasses, we are aware of the family stories and lived them as children with our parents. And then we choose to be the ones who wrote a new story.
I work with the idea and the power of story with my students and my clients on a regular basis and I am always amazed and blessed by their process as they begin to look at their own stories and the stories of their family. Both told and untold.
I do my best to share my knowing or perspective with our kids, and my husband. Intending and hoping that they know that they are soooo much more than the stories that they have experienced.That I love them and that they can create and live beyond our parents stories, our stories, to something even more wonderful that they deserve and can have.
An example of an untold story and how we just know something even though we don't 'Know' and can't put a finger on it is below.
Our oldest daughter is very gifted (like her aunt) when it comes to finding things out about our genealogy, our ancestors.
Well for years, just about all of my life really, I have felt this connection to the Salem Witch Trials, to the persecution of women. I never had anything I could explain it with. No hard evidence. Just felt knowing. Like I was there.
Well just a couple of days ago as our daughter was researching further and further back on our family tree she discovered that we had two great greats (grand parents) that date back to the time of the Witch trails who were actually part of those events. One of them was a women who was hanged for being accused of being a Witch and the other was a judge who condemned the accused to their deaths.
Both are related to us as great greats. They are part of our family tree. Later on in our lineage there was also a marriage from the descendants of these two people.
So the felt sense I had all these years, call it intuition, call it felt sense, call it DNA knowledge, the story was there. The seed event for persecution was set into place with the potential to be replayed in future generations.
With knowledge of seed events and our own self awareness and questioning, we have the ability to re-frame the story and change the patterns that can be set into place with a seed event. Persecution, victim, abused, women disrespected, etc. Or wise, caring, compassionate, loving, creative, intelligent respected women.
With self awareness comes the potential to re-frame the story. To see it anew and chose a new outcome.
I sense that many of the women in our family identified with this time in our distant history because the repeating patterns of abuse, victimization are there generations back. Possibly dating all the way back to the women who was our great great on the gallows and our other great great who sentenced the accused to death.
What I get from this for myself is that I can honor this women who is my great great and lay down any fear or terror she had, and feeling of persecution, of being a victim and instead honor her courage as she was facing death and she made the statement that she prayed that an end would come to the persecution soon. She was strong, brave, wise, even as she went to her death.
I can choose to identify with her traits of courage and wisdom and let go of centuries of energetic persecution. And likewise any of the story that might be carried about the judge that has been passed on through the generations. I can look at that and choose to see it differently. See it for what at least in part it was. Fear, misunderstanding, and control of people they feared because they did not understand.
Those things no longer need to be something that I carry any longer. Old fears (as it turns out very old) about living and being the healer and teacher that I am for fear of persecution. Hiding under a bushel basket as someone who is a psychic once told me. I was hiding myself and my light under the basket and it was time to take the basket off. That was many years ago, about ten or so. I let my light peek through the cracks of the basket for a long time but I was afraid to step out of the shadows for a long time.
How many women have done this? How often have we denied our gifts?
The more self aware I become, the brighter my light is. The more I look at my stories or what I made my stories and those of my family the more aware I am about what is true or truer for me. And I see what I can now put down as not mine. I do not have to carry their pain or their stories. I can honor what they lived, acknowledge it, see the gifts in them. The gifts often include compassion, loving kindness, patience, forgiveness and more. I have chosen to see the gifts and focus my frame of reference there. Since the summer of last year I have been looking with self awareness at the stories and beliefs of my family and those in my own life.
Our oldest daughter adds to this self awareness with her study of our ancestors and from that my understanding grows. Story/event after event/story that I can consciously explore and release what is not true for me. What a gift! And a tool I love sharing with my clients to apply to their own process as we coach together. They take the wisdom inherent within themselves and apply it to their own lives and discover for themselves what is true, or truer.
This leads me to what started this post. My sisters reply to the post I made on Friday about wisdom.
I opened my e-mail Friday afternoon and there it was. I was and still am, deeply touched by what she shared. I paste it below for you, with her permission.
The wisdom of women, the wisdom of sisters is a true blessing and gift. They might be blood related sisters or dear friends in our lives who are our Ya Ya sisters. Like our mutual friend Joyce.
My sisters are wise. They bless me with much and my deepest heartfelt desire and intent is to bless them and support them just as they do me.
I was in Texas for almost three weeks in May. I was there to see my sister, be with her, laugh and play with her, go to my wonderful nephews college graduation, and just have a great time to the best of our ability while also making sure that my sister took care of herself and I helped her in whatever way I could. She is living with a brain tumor that is neither shrinking (so far) or growing. YAY! to the fact that it is not growing. Again it's all about frame of reference and where I choose to focus my energy. Where she chooses to focus her energy.
Her experiences are another story in our family. It's the frame of reference that we place on her experience that helps her to be as well as she is. She could be the victim. She chooses instead to see the gift in it and stop and smell the roses. In celebrating every moment each day. I choose the same for her and for us as sisters.
I was blessed to be with her for those three weeks this year and I let her know how much fun I had with her. At one point I felt this tremendous wave of compassion and love for her, the likes of which I don't think I had ever allowed myself to feel for her our whole lives together. I'm sure it has been there all of my life but I hid it deep because my old story was that those I loved would or could go away, especially if it was known that I loved them. That is a part of my old story and while I was in Texas I felt this amazing wave of love for her. A deep shift taking place in me.
Appreciation for her being in my life. Being my little sister, my only sister, being an aunt to our children. Being someone that I can laugh with. Who really gets our family story because she was there too and in her own way she has also re-framed it through the love of her wonderful mother-in-law whom she calls mom and I do to.
This wonderful women gave to my sister the love that our mother was not able to. She nurtured her and helped her to re frame her story. She is an amazing mom to to my sister where our own mom can not be. Likewise she cares for me too and I thank her for her gift to both of us.
I choose to say to my sister now, what I was afraid to say then, because the emotion of love was so strong and in that moment I was afraid of it. Were you here I would say it to you face to face. Look you in the eye, place my hand gently on the side of your face, just as I gently held your hand when you hurt your finger and I channeled Reiki to you.
Barbara I love you. You are my sister and I am so very grateful that you are in my life. There was a lot of years when we were separated. Physically and emotionally. I am back now. I've put together what is true and truer for me. You have helped me with that. The old family stories are no longer true for me and each day I look at them and turn over in my heart another one and release more of what is not true and claim what is true.
Thank you my dear sweet sister and wonderful friend, antiquing, movie going, pop a wheelie in your wheel chair, Starbucks, roaming gnome, smiley faced, best sister friend. I love you and I plan for you and me to be around long past our middle age, which is still very much in the future by my estimates, and we are laughing and playing all the way. Thank you for your love wisdom little sis. I love you.
Barbara's note to me on Friday . . .
Hi Nellie,
This is the best blog you have posted to date . Great writing and very insightful (you hit the nail on the head). Your explanation is just how my mother-in-law explained it to me when I was so angry with the whole situation relating to our growing up. Her explanation is exactly what afforded me the opportunity to look at the situation in a different light and allowed me to free myself from its grip and to move on in my life. Similar to what you said, once a person can get to the point of looking at a situation from this vantage point, it is as though the world is lifted off of your shoulders/chest. You are then able to use what you know as a powerful tool to bring about insight and change in others. You never forget what happened, but you use this knowledge/experience to teach compassion and understanding to yourself and others, thus enabling your heart and their hearts the freedom to grow and learn from the experience (whether the experience be bad or good). When love and/or compassion is exuded in this manner, it is then returned to us tenfold. I am glad that you are continuing with your writing (you have a gift), and through it you are able to provide knowledge, perspective, and insight to others, thus enabling them to grow within their own life.
Love your sis,
See I told you, she is pretty wonderful!
Here's to our stories and to discovering what is true or truer.
Love and Blessings,
Please Note, the information and services provided by or through WyseWomen LLC, WyseWomen Wellness ©, WyseWomen.com, WyseWomen the Blog, Magdalene Abbey, and Nellie P. Moore are not to be used to treat or diagnose any condition, disease, client, patient, or individual. The ideas, information and services provided are not intended to be a substitute for consult or treatment with a qualified physician, therapist, or other qualified helping professional.
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