Tibetan Buddhists believe that the mantra (prayer) Om Mani Padme Hum invites the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara), who offers the distilled essence of the compassion of all the Buddhas. They tell us it will do so whether we say it, hear it, see its written form, stand near a prayer wheel or walk around it, or merely think of the mantra in any form at all. From Dharma-Haven.com
Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara is renowned as the embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. It is my heartfelt intention in sharing the Om Mani Peme Hung here that I may send out to the Universe and to all of those in Japan who have experienced this earthquake many blessings of love, compassion, kindness, and healing. The internet is a powerful way to reach out and touch someone as we have all seen in recent months and I hope this prayer is another way to do that.
As a healer over the years I have apprenticed in many traditions, learned from many great teachers for which I am very grateful. One of the gifts I was given a few years ago was the gift of walking the fire. Being a firewalker for me and the others walking the fire that day included helping to build the fire before we walked it. Laying out the wood, stuffing paper in the chinks of the wood before it was lit. As we walked we talked to the fire Spirits. We chanted in a sing-song way the following words.
Gentle fire, cool fire, loving fire, Gentle fire, cool fire, loving fire over and over again as we walked in a circle building our fire. Our intent was for a good fire to walk and we shared our intent with Spirit as we built our fire asking for her blessings as we built.
Fire and warmth, energy, are good things in our lives. There are times however when fire becomes so hot that it can burn and create harm, even with the best of intentions by those that set the energy in motion.
My reason for sharing our healing prayer for our fire is that perhaps we can all use this same prayer as a chant of healing for the fires that are burning in Japan at this time. For the fires that are burning in the communities from gas lines and electrical fires, as well as from the heat at the nuclear reactors.
This gentle prayer - Gentle fire, cool fire, loving fire can be applied here for cooling these fires and extinguishing them. Simply adding the words extingushed fires - or other words that mean the same thing with the intent that the fires, the power plants, go out easily, gently, with no further harm done. The power of our intent and our words can not be understated. We can each make a difference.
Just tonight I heard that Twitter is playing a part in this healing in their unique way with a Twitter called Pray for Japan.There are so many ways available to help. Pick just one to make a difference. Not sure where to start? Go to someplace like CNN.com and look for their links about Japan.
We pray for you, dear sweet people of Japan. We pray for your healing and send you our love. Om Mani Peme Hung . . .
Many Blessings,
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