I lay in bed this morning rereading my Mothers Day card from my husband, deeply touched by his love and support and it occurred to me that mothers day is so much more than that.
For starters I would not be a mom without the man I love (Brad) who has helped out in making these great kids possible. I have to also say thank you to Wayne (Niki's Dad who has passed on) for the dad that he became.
Brad means so much to me and I love him dearly! He has supported me every day of our many years together. He has worked for over 30 years to support our family. Long days and sometimes nights, not to mention back in the early days a fair share of weekends and overnights at distant locations for business trips. He has helped clean up assorted bodily fluids after one or the other of our children had a cold or flu or threw up or had diarrhea. He’s made emergency hospital runs for beads stuck in the nose, twisted ovaries, bleeding heads and high fevers. He has picked up one child or the other more times than I can remember from one event or another. Play rehearsals, softball practice or a game, baseball practice or a game, gymnastics practice or a meet, movie nights, sleepovers, church events, school events, work pick up or drop off, airports and the list goes on. He has supported me as a new mom, seasoned mother, frustrated mother, ill mother and filled in during the moments I was not able to be there. He has been a partner when his mom was dying and helped me to care for her as she had her last days at home with us. He supports me, our kids, our church, our neighbors, and his colleagues at work. He plays golf with the kids, has movie night with our kids, and in general is a great dad which supports me in being a great mom. He is part of the reason I am a great mom.
I would not also not be a mom were it not for the great kids I have, each one of them means the world to me and I love them dearly! I started out more than a little naïve. I was a very young mom the first time around and though I thought I knew everything, what I knew could likely have fit on the head of a pin. In as much as I was and am their mom, they are my teachers. I’ve learn how to deal with pneumonia in a 1 year old (Niki) who spent her first birthday in the hospital, how to deal with high fevers and wool socks (all three kids – wool socks Tim), allergies (all three again) chipped teeth after falling off a shopping cart (Tim) while also dealing with his sister (Niki) in the back seat of the car on the way to the doctors who was threatening to pass out and throw up from the little bit of blood from Tim’s fall, Migranes, (Tim) twisted ovary (Niki at 16), migraines (Tim), sprained ankles (Fallon) neck and back spasms (Fallon), the loss of a father (Niki’s dad when she was 17) Dehydration with the flu that called for an ER visit and an IV (Fallon) and I could go on. Then there are all the wonderful things that mom taxi does. Softball, baseball, plays, sleepovers, sporting events . . . and so on. I've meet some great parents and some great kids and they have all helped me to be a better mom. They have taught me so much.
Homemade gifts are some of the best. Flower pots, Hand made cards, hand drawn pictures, hand woven yarn pieces, hand made stuffed animals, clay figures, handmade plates, turkey thumbprints, magnets, and countless yummy dinners. All of them are great cooks and each one has made me many meals. Last night for Mothers Day it was home made mac and cheese and bruchetta. Yummo!!! A meal that our son Tim cooked and one of our favorites. In the past Niki and Fallon have cooked pork loin with apple butter, asparagus and sweet wild rice with saffron. More yummo!
I also need to mention my sister and friend (Barb) who has been on the listening and championing end of more than one phone call as a wonderful mom herself.
Then there are my many friends, one (Patty) who is also like a sister and who has been with me from a tubal pregnancy and a backwards bedpan, to a hospitalization in July of 2008 that brought me to my knees. Others, including Patty have been there to help with many of the things a mom needs, like a listening ear, hugs, celebrations, laughter, tears, parties, weddings, and fried pork steak.
I have beamed pride and shed tears over each of my children because of how proud I am of them. They are amazing, funny, intelligent, caring, creative, compassionate, loving beings, each of them making a difference in the world in all that they be, do, and are.
Thank you guys for making Mothers Day what it is, each and every year! I can't wait till next year!
I love you!
Mom ~ Nellie
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